How To Create and Print Paper Loan Documents

Print and sign paper documents.

If you do not want to have electronic loan documents sent, you have the option to print and get paper documents signed and sent to our office.

If you select paper you will not be able to change it back to remote (electronic) 

1.) Change the type to "paper" in the contract prep tabchoose paper doc

2.) Confirm the change to paper documents (there is no going back to electronic versions when you make this selection)

confirm paper doc

3.) The PDF version of the loan documents will pop up for you to download or printDocument download

If no documents pop up on your screen, make sure that you have pop-ups enabled on your browser

pop ups

4.) Have the printed documents signed by the applicants

5.) Scan a copy of the file to so our team can review the documents for completeness before you mail the wet copies to our office. Our team will confirm if the documents are good to be mailed in, or if they are missing information.


6. Mail the paper documents to our office:

Pure Finance Group

14880 Sweitzer Ln Suite D, Laurel MD, 20707