How do I add a user to my account?

Set up new users in your Dealer Portal (Decision Lender).


Only account administrators can add new users to your lending account

Your Dealer Portal will have an administrator who can add and remove additional user accounts for your sales reps, finance managers, accountants, etc. To set up your team with access to your lender portal follow these steps:

1. Have your administrator login to  Decision Lender

2.Click on SETUP

3. Click on DEALERS

4. Click on USER ICON

5. Click on Dealer's User List PLUS BUTTON

6. Insert User Information

7. Set Up User Access ROLE
Select admin permissions, or a sales rep permissions (only admins can request funding on loans)

When the user logs in, this is the default page they will be sent to. 


9. Click on SAVE

After you save the new user, an email from Info@PureFinanceGroup will be sent to the new
user's email with their login information to access Decision Lender.